In this category, you can find all the businesses and traders related to a sport which you can find in our directory. Whichever type of sporting equipment, football clothes, basketball, badminton, indoor football etc. Here are accessories for whichever sporting activity such as: bicycles, isotonic drinks, sports shoes, sports clothes etc.
Nowadays there are no Sports in the Beniel's business directory.
Sports in other townships
Carabinas Vulcan
Tel: +34 661072239
Planeta Roca Aventura
C/ Mayor, 41 Bajo Edif. Mira Sierra
Puente Tocinos (Murcia)
Telf.: 868052042
Bike Planet
Avda. Santa Eulalia, 70
30850 Totana (Murcia)
T.: 968 42 13 36
Club Tenis Totana
Ctra. Nacional 340
30850 Totana (Murcia)
Coliseum Fitness Center
C/ San Ildefonso, 49
30850 Totana (Murcia)
T.: 645 412 316
Décimas Totana
C/ Santomera, 19
30850 Totana (Murcia)
T.: 968 425 405
Deportes Molino
C/ Doctor Alberto Gray Peinado, 3
30850 Totana (Murcia)
T:968421066 - 626632100
Espubike Challenge Race
30850 Totana (Murcia)
Motos de Agua
Antonio Costa
30850 Totana (Murcia)
Peña Barcelonista de Totana
C/ San Francisco, 11 bajo
30850 Totana (Murcia)
T.: 606 385 362
Sam Storey Boxing
30850 Totana (Murcia)
T. 649 476 801
Grímpola, escuela de vela
Avda.José Alarcón, 28
30860 Puerto de Mazarrón (Murcia)
T.: 699 057 950
Note: If you wish to advertise on Beniel´s Business Directory, , send us an e-mail at
Use the following forum to deal with themes related to Sports
in Beniel; Sports, equipment, bicycles. Balls, tennis, football, basketball, handball, badminton, golf, cycling, mountain bikes, bats, rackets, shoes, clothes, sport, Olympics, weights, isotonic, baseball, rugby, ping pong, table tennis, climbing, martial arts, judo, karate, formula 1, skiing, cricket, polo, boxing, pool, snooker, darts, athletics, marathon, water-polo, chess., etc.
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